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Customized Assortments

Looking for an easy and efficient way to make repairs with less trips to your truck, or back to the store room? No Charge Customized Assortment Boxes are the solution!

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SAVE Time, Money, and Space - Repairs Made Easy!

Assortment Box Features: 

  • Adjustable bins are labeled with part numbers and descriptions. 
  • It’s portable! Just grab and go to the repair site! 
  • The red box is NO charge - you only pay for the parts inside!  

With our personalized service, we can refill these boxes for you! No matter the fixture, fitting, or repair parts, we can help you coordinate an inventory system that will SAVE you time, money, and space! 

Styled Header

Sized For Your Needs

Mini BPS Assortment Image

Mini Assortments

Perfect for gaskets, o-rings, washers, nuts and bolts, etc.

11" x 6.5" x 1.5"

Medium BPS Assortment Image

Medium Assortments

Perfect for bits, screws, anchors, aerators, faucet stems, etc.

13" x 9" x 2.5"

Master BPS Assortment Image

Master Assortments

Perfect for fixture repair parts, fittings, partition hardware, etc.

18.5" x 12" x 3"

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Pre-Built Assortments

Check out a few of our top selling pre-built assortments.

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We have over 100 Pre-Built Assortments available to purchase, or to use as inspiration for your next custom assortment!